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Historic district of Kenmore Blvd & Akron OH
SRINA Online Experience

E-commerce-join tea club-virtual event
About Us
Come eat, drink, and meet at Srina Tea House & Café at 975 Kenmore Blvd!
Welcome to our cozy tea haven where our CEO, Monaqui Porter Young, has been relentless in the pursuit of sharing the intersection of Tea Health, Food Culture, and Community.
Join our tea club, order online, or visit Srina Tea House & Café, a cozy nature themed setting where we sip to connect, unwind, learn, and grow. Visit our first retail store Srina Tea House & café and enjoy a revitalization of the historic district of Kenmore Blvd in Akron Ohio offering quality organic tea, health education, delicious food and more. (click to learn more of the story) (add past info)